Nor? |
Aritz Farwell |
This author has 17 publications.
1Itziar Aldabe, Aritz Farwell, German Rigau (2024)Repurposing language rights. Guiding the uses of artificial intelligence. Eds. Vicenta Tasa Fuster, Esther Monzó-Nebot, Rafael Castelló i Cogollos. València: Tirant lo Blanch, 2024, pp. 171-186
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2Federico Gaspari, Joss Moorkens, Itziar Aldabe, Aritz Farwell, Begona Altuna, Stelios Piperidis, Georg Rehm, German Rigau (2024)Proceedings of the Second International Workshop Towards Digital Language Equality (TDLE): Focusing on Sustainability @ LREC-COLING 2024. ELRA and ICCL, Torino, Italia, edition.
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3Xabier Goenaga, Aritz Farwell, Joseba Fernandez de Landa and Xabier Arregi (2024)CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings. eds. Vincent Vandeghinste and Thalassia Kontino, Barcelona, Spain, 2024, pp. 56-59.
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4Jon Alkorta, Aritz Farwell, Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Begoña Altuna, Ainara Estarrona, Mikel Iruskieta, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Goenaga, Jose Mari Arriola (2024)CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings. eds. Vincent Vandeghinste and Thalassia Kontino, Barcelona, Spain, 2024, pp. 126-129.
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5Jon Alkorta, Aritz Farwell, Joseba Fernandez de Landa, Begoña Altuna, Ainara Estarrona, Mikel Iruskieta, Xabier Arregi, Xabier Goenaga, Jose Mari Arriola (2024)Proceedings of the Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations (SEPLN-CEDI-PD 2024) co-located with the 7th Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI 2024), pages 36-40
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6Francisco J. Carreras-Riudavets, Ainara Estarrona, Aritz Farwell, Mikel Iruskieta, Manuel Marco, Maite Melero, Arturo Montejo-Ráez, Daniel Riaño, German Rigau, Dolores Romero, Salvador Ros, Elena Sánchez, Xulio Sousa (2024)Proceedings of the Seminar of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing: Projects and System Demonstrations (SEPLN-CEDI-PD 2024) co-located with the 7th Spanish Conference on Informatics (CEDI 2024), pages30-35.
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7Aritz Farwell, Ludger Mees (2023)Farwell, A., & Mees, L. (2023). A Taste of Spain: Images of Rioja Wine in Britain and America (1890-1960). Global Food History, 1–26.
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8Martin Kaltenböck, Artem Revenko, Khalid Choukri, Svetla Boytcheva, Christian Lieske, Teresa Lynn, German Rigau, Maria Heuschkel, Aritz Farwell, Gareth Jones, Itziar Aldabe, Ainara Estarrona, Katrin Marheinecke, Stelios Piperidis, Victoria Arranz, Vincent Vandeghinste, Claudia Borg (2023)In: Rehm, G., Way, A. (eds) European Language Equality. Cognitive Technologies. Springer, Cham.
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9Itziar Aldabe, Aritz Farwell, German Rigau, Georg Rehm, Andy Way (2023)In: Rehm, G., Way, A. (eds) European Language Equality. Cognitive Technologies. Springer, Cham.
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10R. Agerri, E. Agirre, I. Aldabe, N. Aranberri, J.M. Arriola, A. Atutxa, G. Azkune, J.A. Campos, A. Casillas, A. Estarrona, A. Farwell, I. Goenaga, J. Goikoetxea, K. Gojenola, I. Hernáez, M. Iruskieta, G. Labaka, O. Lopez de Lacalle, E. Navas, M. Oronoz, A. Otegi, A. Pérez, O. Perez de Viñaspre, G. Rigau, A. Salaberria, J. Sanchez, I. Saratxaga, A. Soroa (2023)In: Rehm, G., Way, A. (eds) European Language Equality. Cognitive Technologies. Springer, Cham.
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11Kepa Sarasola, Itziar Aldabe, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, Ainara Estarrona, Aritz Farwell, Inma Hernáez, Eva Navas (2023)Sarasola, K., I. Aldabe, A. Diaz de Ilarraza, A. Estarrona, A. Farwell, I. Hernáez, E. Navas (2023). Language Report Basque. In: Rehm, G., Way, A. (eds) European Language Equality. Cognitive Technologies. Springer, Cham.
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12Altuna, B., Iruskieta, M., Estarrona, A., Farwell, A., Arriola, JM., Alkorta J., Arregi., X (2022)Digital Humanities Conference November 23-25. Budapest.
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13Mikel Iruskieta, Ainara Estarrona, Aritz Farwell, German Rigau (2022)Boletín ANABAD. LXXII (2022), NÚM. 2, ABRIL-JUNIO. MADRID. ISSN: 2794-0519 (USB) - 2444-7293 (Internet)
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14Itziar Aldabe, Aritz Farwell, Eva Navas, Inma Hernaez, German Rigau (2022)Proc. IberSPEECH 2022, 231-234doi: 10.21437/IberSPEECH.2022-47
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15Itziar Aldabe, Jane Dunne, Aritz Farwell, Owen Gallagher, Federico Gaspari, Maria Giagkou, Jan Hajic, Jens Peter Kückens, Teresa Lynn, Georg Rehm, German Rigau, Katrin Marheinecke, Stelios Piperidis, Natalia Resende, Tea Vojtěchová, Andy Way (2022)Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, p. 353–354
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16Mikel Iruskieta, Ainara Estarrona, Aritz Farwell, German Rigau (2022)The International Congress on Libraries & Digital Humanities: projects and challenges
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17Kepa Sarasola, Itziar Aldabe, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza, Ainara Estarrona, Aritz Farwell, Inma Hernaez, Eva Navas; Reviewers: Annika Grützner-Zahn, Maria Giagkou; Editors: Maria Giagkou, Stelios Piperidis, Georg Rehm, Jane Dunne (2020)Deliverables of the Project ELE (European Language Equality). D1.4 Report on the Basque Language,
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