Diccionario Básico Escolar

Deskribapen laburra: 
Students basic dictionary (Cuba).
Egileak (ixakideak ez direnak): 
Leonel Ruiz Miyares
Esteka (online): 
Esteka (demoa): 
This electronic dictionary has been developed with the Centro de Lingüística Aplicada institute in Santiago de Cuba. There are two versions, one in CD (which has been distributed in cuban schools) and the web version. This project has been funded by the Basque Government (in the FOCAD call).
The GUI of the Diccionario Básico Escolar allows, besides common dictionary lookup, detecting the most common misspellings, consulting verb conjugation, syllabification of the headwords and, in some cases, watching illustrations attached to the entries.
DBE 1.0 (2005); DBE 2.0 (2008); DBE 3.0 (2009).
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