
Deskribapen laburra: 
A tool for looking up verb entries in the BVI lexicon and examples in EPEC-RolSem corpus
Egileak (ixakideak): 
e-ROLda is a tool that allows the user to view the information held in the BVI lexicon and EPEC-RolSem corpus. When entering the system, the user will find some general information and search facilities. The search can be done attending to different general features: i) the Basque verb, ii) a concrete sense of a Basque verb, or iii) the PB-VN English verb. The user can do more precise searches by limiting the search to a specific argument (Arg0, Arg1, ...) or semantic-role in PB-VN or in our EADB (Euskal Aditzen Datu Basea-Data Base for Basque Verbs) database, a declension case, or even a selectional restriction for a Basque Verb.
The information associated with an entry is displayed in two sections:
    1. Syntactic-semantic models recorded for the verb (BVI)
    2. Examples collected in the corpus for the given verb (EPEC-RolSem).
Therefore, our tool allows the user to view the syntactic-semantic information held in the BVI lexicon together with real examples of the EPEC-RolSem corpus.
HiTZen bistaratu: 
HiTZen bistaratu
Ixan bisataratu: 
Ixan bisataratu