
HARTAes-vas: Lexical combinations for an academic writing aid tool in Spanish and Basque

Academic writing has become a priority object of study especially in English, for which there are already many resources to help novice writers. This is not the case for Spanish university students who do not have many writing aids at their disposal. Here we focus on routinized lexical combinations that characterise academic discourse in Spanish and Basque. The aim is to extract these combinations from two academic corpora in order to build a writing aid tool serving both languages.

A Framework for the Evaluation of SUMO-Based Ontologies Using WordNet

This paper offers a new practical approach toward automated commonsense reasoning with first-order logic (FOL) SUMO-based ontologies. We propose a new black-box evaluation framework for SUMO-based ontologies, which exploits the world knowledge encoded in WordNet and its mapping into SUMO. Our proposal consists of both a novel semi-automatic method for the creation of a large set of commonsense problems and a new procedure that enables its automatic evaluation by using automated theorem provers (ATPs).


RSS - Lexikografia-Semantika-rako harpidetza egin